Farinetta Buckwheat Flour – 4lb


Fine granulation mixture of the aleurone layer of hulled seed and seed embryo, the richest parts of the seed.
Download Farinetta™ Specs



This product shall comply in every respect with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Federal Laws, State laws, and the requirements of this specification.


FARINETTA™ buckwheat flour is prepared from the bran of the buckwheat groat.

Physical Characteristics:

Color:Beige with dark specks.
Aroma:Typical sweet grain flour aroma.
Flavor:Mild, sweet grain flour flavor.
Texture:Free from hard or caked lumps and foreign substances.
Granulation75.0% Minimum thru a U.S. #80 mesh screen
25.0% Minimum thru a U.S. #200 mesh screen



Moisture:16% Maximum
Protein:20 % Minimum



E. Coli:<10 cfu/g

Intended Use:

This product is intended for use as an ingredient. Further processing is required for food safety.


This product is normally packed in 50lb multi-walled paper bags or 4lb poly bags. Product name, brand, and production code identify each bag.

Storage and Shelf-life:

The minimum shelf life of 24 months from the date of manufacture; when transported and stored in a clean, dry, infestation free environment. The product should be stored away from excess heat, moisture, and direct sunlight.

Suitability Information:

  • Non-GMO
  • Kosher Pareve
  • Halal Suitable
  • Vegetarian Suitable
  • Vegan Suitable

Country of Origin:


Precautionary Allergen Statement:

Due to a minor risk of cross-contamination from agricultural practices, this product may come in contact with wheat and other grains containing gluten (rye, barley, oats, triticale, kamut, spelt and their hybridized strains). We cannot guarantee that this product is “Gluten Free”. Mustard seed and buckwheat seed share some of the same processing equipment. Procedures are in place to avoid cross-contamination within our facility.